If you’re looking for a bespoke product recommendation to suit your skin’s needs, look no further. Answer seven quick questions and our matchmaker will get to work.

We’ll analyse your answers as we go and you’ll receive your moisture match in a matter of minutes, along with some bespoke advice.

All from the first eczema-prone skincare range to be approved by the British Skin Foundation.

What our customers are saying

“I had really itchy skin but since using Cetraben, the itching has really calmed down”


Discover Expert Skin Hydration with Cetraben, the first eczema-prone skincare range to be approved by the British Skin Foundation.

Cetraben is suitable for a range of dry skin conditions such as: dry and itchy skin, eczema-prone and psoriasis-prone skin, flaky skin.

Hannah Bonniface

Hannah Bonniface

“In February 2019 I noticed signs of psoriasis on my arms and back. After trying many things, Cetraben has been my go-to to help manage my condition”